My one day fruit diet experience

I am very happy to share with you all that I have successfully completed one day fruit diet. By the way this attempt is highly inspired by Ankita from Life With Herbals water fasting. Although I couldn’t try a full fledged water diet, I started baby steps with fruit diet.
Firstly let me tell you all, my diet has a major part of carbohydrates and the credit for this goes to my undying love for rice. Never ever till date my week ( now day) is complete without eating rice. My mind, heart and stomach all had agreed upon this that I can never ever follow water fasting. So to control my eatings, I started fruit diet. Before starting this let me tell you, my heigh is 5’3″ and weight is 58 kgs. I have been under weight all of my life before becoming a mother.
I started my fruit diet on 11th July 2016 Monday. I had made up my mind to follow a fruit diet on Sunday morning that is 10th July. In the evening my husband had ordered KFC burger and asked me whether I wanted one. Keeping aside my liking of junk food I declined his offer. My decision was a sort of a warm up which we do before exercises.
Monday morning, as usual I had my tea. Yes, I get severe headache if I don’t have my morning tea. Again thanks to carbohydrate dependent diet. Next thing breakfast, was one small sized apple. After some 1 hour I was hungry. I had lots of water, around 2 glasses and I was full.
Then lunch time, again 2 small sized apples. In between breakfast and lunch I fed my son some curd rice and was badly tempted to eat it. Still I didn’t give up, ignored the rice and fixed my eyes, ears, stomach on apples in the rack. Still my mind was wandering near the thought of eating rice. I clearly told my mind, not to tell my stomach what to eat and what not to eat, let the stomach decide whether it is hungry or not.
After lunch I was totally full so hunger, no cravings for the food. Now it was 4 pm, my favourite tea time. Again, I resisted, as I had tea in the morning. My mind kept wandering, wanting to drink tea. My stomach too :(. So to divert them I had one cucumber with 2 teaspoons of curd, half a pinch of salt and sugar. This made me full, no cravings, nothing at all. In between the whole day whenever I felt hungry I had a lot of water. At this time I realised, how little water I used to have when I had full meals. Dinner time was same, two cucumbers with 2 teaspoons curd, dash of salt and sugar. I was full. Slept quite okay but my mind was wandering about this blog post what all I wanted to write and what not.
At first I had thought, I wouldn’t even continue my fruit diet for half day. Am glad I completed it for one whole day. The best thing to happen was my son who hates eating apples has started eating them from this day. The next day I felt light in every sense. No laziness, no yawning, no heavy feeling in the stomach. I was sort of energised the next day. I hope to continue fruit diet once every week. Water fasting is not my cup of tea but fruit diet definitely is.
Disclaimer – This post in no way intended to inspire people lose weight or become skinny. Also please consult your doctor before proceeding. If you are on medication or have had a operation or surgery recently then please refrain from this diet.
It is personal experience of a foodie who has discovered a way to control her food cravings.

About Sonali

Sonali, is a skincare aficionado who tackles one skin problem at a time. She has been blogging at Skincare Villa since 2016 and is a Certified Formulator for making dry powder based masks and cleansers.